Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wan Wan Land

"Wan wan" is how a dog sounds in Japanese. To the Japanese, it's not bow wow; it's wan wan. Wan Wan Land is a random pet store we walked into in Osaka. There were two interesting things at Wan Wan Land. First of all, the price of pets in Japan is amazing. The cheapest cat they had was about $1,000. Granted, all their cats were pure breeds, but they cost as much as $2,000. For a cat!

The other thing was that amongst the overpriced cats and dogs there was a smattering of exotic pets. There were some sugar gliders, a spider monkey, a squirrel monkey, an owl, and a meerkat! The monkeys were almost $5,000, and the meerkat was over $7,000! For about the same price, you could go to the Kobe zoo every day for the next three years! Paying that much for a pet seems a little crazy, but if you've got the extra yen lying around, why wouldn't you want a squirrel monkey?

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