Monday, July 25, 2011

The 4 Stages of Culture Shock

13 hours of flying, watching Jane Eyre, Ceder Rapids, and an entire season of Dexter, a 2 hour bus ride, getting a bit lost in the neighborhood around our hotel, a horrible nights sleep, a small earthquake, and a whole day of opening ceremony, workshops, and presentations later... here I am sitting at a Japanese computer trying to figure out how I ever survived pre-cell phone days.  Not to seem as if I am not having a fantastic time (because trust me I am), but I seem to have recognized that while some start out in the 1st stage of culture shock, Euphoria, I have started in the 2nd which is having an overwhelming sense of not knowing what the hell is going on!  I know that there are two more stages which I will ultimately come to... hoping that I will skip past stage 3, Irritation and Hostility, onto stage 4, Adaptation and Biculturism, and maybe backtrack to stage 1.  Because come on, Japanese Euphoria sounds amazing!  Gimme some of that!

The last few days have been confusing because jetlag has hit me like a ton of bricks, yet I have to function in order to participate in these workshops and put on a good face to meet my colleagues.  I will admit while I have been pretty spaced out, I have learned a lot about what will be expected of me, and I have met lots of great, like-minded people.  I am more excited than ever to be part of this group of people, joining the likes of my husband (whom I have a greater sense of unity with knowing that he sat in this same seat just a few years ago).  Looking forward to seeing where this will take me, us, and the day when I can use the toilet, speak to the cashier of the conbini (convenience store), and order Subway with confidence!

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